Webinar Cycle On Historical Roots Of Extremist Narratives

By Steven Forti, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Within the framework of the ARENAS project, Work Package 3 (WP3), coordinated by Steven Forti from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), deals with the study of the historical roots of extremist narratives and their circulation in the political and media spheres. The research and activities of WP3 […]

University of Helsinki hosts the HEPP4 Conference

By Simo Määttä, University of Helsinki The Fourth Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism, and Polarised Politics (HEPP4) was held on 11-13 December 2023, at the University of Helsinki.  The Conference assembled a wide range of international researchers at all career stages, to examine populism, polarisation, and emotions, particularly from a discursive and cultural approach. It included […]

ARENAS Partners invite submissions on the topic of gender discrimination.

The work of the ARENAS project is organised in Work Packages, each focused on a specific topic or theme and assigned different tasks to deliver.  Work Package 5 (WP5), led by Béatrice Fracchiolla (University of Lorraine, CNRS), focuses on mediation and remediation, in particular concerning gender discrimination. The current task of WP5 is to produce […]

International Workshop on Methodological Approaches to Narratives in Extremist Discourses in Düsseldorf

By Ana Yara Postigo Fuentes, Heinrich-Heine-Universität On November 15th and 16th, the international workshop “Methodological Approaches to Narratives in Extremist Discourses” took place at the Haus der Universität. The workshop was led by the project members from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Ana Yara Postigo Fuentes and Rolf Kailuweit, members of the Department of Romance Studies, […]

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona hosts ARENAS seminar – Inside Extremist Narratives

The Center of Studies on Democracies and Dictatorships (CEDID) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) organised a seminar on 24 November 2023 linked with the research of the Work Package 3 that study the historical roots and circulations of extremist narratives. Moderated by Steven Forti (UAB), leader of the ARENAS WP3, the seminar, entitled […]

ARENAS Publishes Strategic Internal Documents

In recent weeks ARENAS has published a number of living documents critical to the strategic development of the project. First, the ARENAS Data Management Plan (DMP) which was created in Work Package 1, led by Julien Longhi of CY Cergy Paris University.  The Data Management Plan is due to identify all data collected, processed and/or […]