ARENAS consortium receives official welcome to Heinrich Heine University

The recent ARENAS General Assembly meeting was held at Haus der Universität, Dusseldorf. The meeting was preceded by an official welcome from Prof. Dr. Ulli Seegers, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Heinrich Heine University (HHU). The faculty, with more than 70 professorships, is the second largest at the University. Almost 9,000 […]

ARENAS publishes the latest project E-zine

The second issue of the ARENAS e-zine has been published and is now available to download for FREE here. The consortium has been very busy over the past six months and some of the key activities are featured in the ezine. Since our first ezine was published several key project documents have been published.  Members […]

Learning experimental methods: Insights from an arenas project workshop

By Dr. Clara Pretus, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Rasma Pipike, Diversity Management Expert, Leader WP4, Creative Ideas-Latvia During the recent General Assembly of ARENAS, Dr. Clara from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona was delighted to deliver a comprehensive workshop titled “DIY: Build Your Own Experimental Design in Social Sciences” as part of Work Package […]

International Conference: “Going Extreme. History, Narratives and the Threat to Democracies in Europe”

International Conference Going Extreme. History, Narratives and the Threat to Democracies in Europe Where Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona When 25-27 September 2024 Register Here Download Program 25th of September 18:00 – Democracy, Extremism and Youth Welcome from the director of the CCCB, Judit CarreraSira Rego(Minister of Youth and Children, Government of Spain)Joan Subirats(Former […]

ARENAS consortium gathers in Dusseldorf for second annual meeting

By Julien Longhi, Professor of Discourse Analysis and Digital Humanities at CY Cergy Paris University From 14 to 16 May, members of the ARENAS project gathered in Dusseldorf for their 2nd annual meeting. One year after the kick-off meeting in Cergy, and having carried out a great deal of research and action over the last […]

Media Literacy Ireland promotes the work of ARENAS

ARENAS was recently featured in a news story on the Media Literacy Ireland website in an article written by WP7 leader, Denise Callan of Momentum Educate and Innovate.  Media Literacy Ireland(MLI) is an informal alliance of individuals and organisations who work together, mainly on a voluntary basis, to promote media literacy in Ireland. Facilitated by Coimisiún […]