ARENAS Team members edit the November issue of Réseaux

By Samuel Vernet of CRNS and Julien Longhi of CY Cergy Paris Université We were invited to edit the most recent edition of Réseaux.  This respected journal ranks 5th in French-language sociology journals and is ranked as the 1st journal in information and communication The theme of this issue was online hate. Our aim was […]

ARENAS General Assembly Meets Online in November 2023

Following the initial meeting at CY Cergy Paris University in May, the ARENAS General Assembly met again on November 14th 2023.  This time the meeting was held online. The General Assembly is one of the governance bodies of every Horizon Europe project, including ARENAS. The General Assembly is comprised 18 members, two representatives from the […]

First issue of ARENAS e-zine launched

The first issue of the ARENAS e-zine has been published and can now be downloaded for FREE here. The project leaders, CY Cergy Paris Université, introduce the project and its objectives and there is a report on the Kick-off meeting, which took place in Paris in May. The first six months of the project have […]

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona hosts ARENAS seminar – Inside Extremist Narratives

As part of its role in ARENAS, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is hosting a seminar on November 24th.  Moderated by Steven Forti of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona the seminar title is Inside Extremist Narratives and features presentations from consortium members from four ARENAS project partners. The seminar takes place from 3 pm to 5 […]

Lecture Series – Empowering Young People Against Hate Speech

We are delighted to announce the launch of a four-part winter lecture series on the theme of Empowering Young People Against Hate Speech.  This series has been organised by Schools Beyond Regions and Borders, which aims to promote interaction and mutual understanding among European students and teachers by exchanging knowledge and best practices in education […]