The University of Helsinki is Finland’s largest and oldest academic institution and an innovative centre of science and thinking. Since 1640, it has contributed to the establishment of a fair and equal society that is considered one of the best in the world. Over time, its academic community has grown into 40 000 people scattered into 11 faculties on four campuses. Today, its multidisciplinary academic community solves problems that affect us all. Searching for new knowledge and boundary-breaking research which can lead to solutions that have a real, global impact on the future.
Katalin’s background is in the area of political and legal history studies. She has particular expertise in the history of the rule of law and its connections to nationalist and conservative narratives. As Leader of Work Package 6 Katalin will co-ordinate research on the topics of Ethics, Norms and Politically Sensitive Science. She is leading Task 6.2 on the Reception of Sensitive Research in Polarized Societies of Europe: focus on the political environment of research and responsible for the publication of the Ethical White Book for the project. She is also involved in Tas 6.1 and Task 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 in Work Package 3. The target areas under consideration by Katalin for ARENAS are Finland and Hungary. Some of Katalin’s published work is available here.
Gwenaëlle has a background in Sociology and is a researcher at the Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN). Her research topics include right-wing populism and far-right; conspiracies; counter-media; post-truth politics; anti-immigration and conspirational movements. For this project, her focus will be on France. She is a member of both WP3, involved in tasks 3.2 and 3.4 and a member of WP6 involved in task 6.2. Some of her published work is available here.
Simo’s research focuses on the wider social context and consequences of language use, linguistic rights, and inclusion and exclusion via language use. It is inspired mostly by sociologically oriented translation studies, critical sociolinguistics, and critical discourse studies. He has particular expertise in the critical discourse analysis of hate speech. As a member of WP3, Simo is leading Task 3.4 which examines the circulation of extreme narratives in the media. Some of his published work can be accessed here.
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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Topic
HORIZON – CL2-2022-DEMOCRACY -01-05 -Evolution of political extremism and its influence on contemporary social and political dialogue
Funding Scheme
HORIZON-RHA – HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
Grant agreement ID: 101094731
May 1 2023 – 30 April 2027