ARENAS consortium gathers in Dusseldorf for second annual meeting

By Julien Longhi, Professor of Discourse Analysis and Digital Humanities at CY Cergy Paris University From 14 to 16 May, members of the ARENAS project gathered in Dusseldorf for their 2nd annual meeting. One year after the kick-off meeting in Cergy, and having carried out a great deal of research and action over the last […]
Media Literacy Ireland promotes the work of ARENAS

ARENAS was recently featured in a news story on the Media Literacy Ireland website in an article written by WP7 leader, Denise Callan of Momentum Educate and Innovate. Media Literacy Ireland(MLI) is an informal alliance of individuals and organisations who work together, mainly on a voluntary basis, to promote media literacy in Ireland. Facilitated by Coimisiún […]
ARENAS featured by Net4Society on Horizon Europe Success Stories

Although still in its first year, ARENAS has recently been included in the Net4Society feature on Horizon Europe Success Stories. This is a wonderful acknowledgement and endorsement of the work carried out by the consortium to date. Net4Society is the transnational network for Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” (CL2) National Contact Points (NCPs) […]
ARENAS in the context of European Elections, Disinformation and Extremist Narratives

Increased polarisation triggered by social protest movements, the COVID-19 crisis and the war in Ukraine has challenged European democracies and fostered extremist narratives, with strong and numerous consequences for citizens, politics, and the democratic exercise. European citizens are facing the “post-truth” world, characterised by conspiracy theories, overwhelming disinformation, fake news and more and more extremist […]
Expanding the scope of public awareness

By Katalin Miklóssy Katalin Miklóssy is the Leader of Work Package 6 for the ARENAs project, and here she explores how politically biased research is perceived in our increasingly polarised societies. We are just as free as the society around us. Academic freedom depends on how well the people understand the ordinary everyday threats to […]
ARENAS Spotlight on Work Package 7: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation

Communication and Dissemination, not only project results but the learning and process in achieving our results is a key objective of Work Package 7. This work package is led by Denise Callan from Momentum Innovate and Educate in Ireland. A graduate of English Literature and History, Denise has more than twenty years of experience in […]