ARENAS Work Package Leaders Meet in March

The seven Work Package Leaders meet regularly to discuss progress on the project, address any challenges and plan next steps. They are also joined by the ARENAS Project Manager. At the latest meeting the consortium discussed the recent project review by the European Commission and the very positive response received for work to date. They […]
The spread of misinformation: the impact of X and Meta ending third-party fact-checking

By Denise Callan, Momentum According to the 2024 World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report, manipulated and falsified information is now the world’s second most severe short-term risk, only Extreme Weather ranks above it. That report states, “Over the next two years, misinformation and disinformation will present one of the biggest ever challenges to the democratic […]
ARENAS presented at the Heidelberg University Colloquium

Last semester, as part of this winter Colloquium, the RTG Ambivalent Enmity at Heidelberg University invited to speak at one of the sessions members of the ARENAS consortium. Ambivalent Enmity is a postgraduate research and training program at Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies. It aims to reveal the ambivalences of enmity and develop adequate […]
University of Genoa welcomes Italian school students to ARENAS event

On December 12th 2024, the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Genoa (UNIGE) hosted a day-long event to introduce ARENAS to teachers and school students from across Italy. The morning session consisted of an interactive in-person lesson with over 120 students from 4 different schools in the Liguria region. This session […]
Invitation to join the ARENAS roundtable hosted by The Institute of Contemporary History in Ljubljana

As part of its work on ARENAS, The Institute of Contemporary History in Ljubljana, Slovenia, invites people to attend its upcoming roundtable on February 11th. The event, which can be attended online, will focus on the Historical Roots of Extremist Narratives in current debates across Europe. Jure Gašparič, a Senior Research Fellow at The Institute […]
UDUS hosts ARENAS event – Charlie Hebdo shootings – 10 Years After

On Tuesday, January 7th next, ARENAS Partner UDUS in Dusseldorf will host an afternoon of talks to commemorate the Charlie Hebdo shootings that took place 10 years ago. The speakers are: Rolf Kailuweit, a professor at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, specialising in Romance Linguistics and a member of the ARENAS consortium. He holds a W3 […]