By Samuel Vernet of CRNS and Julien Longhi of CY Cergy Paris Université
We were invited to edit the most recent edition of Réseaux. This respected journal ranks 5th in French-language sociology journals and is ranked as the 1st journal in information and communication The theme of this issue was online hate. Our aim was essentially to focus on online hate speech and shed light on the online/offline circulation of such discourse.
Réseaux, Communication, Technologie et Société was founded in 1982 by Patrice Flichy and Paul Beaud at the Centre National d’Etudes des Télécommunications. The journal has been available on the CAIRN & PERSEE electronic platforms since 2006. It is published by a Social Sciences publisher, La Découverte.
To compile this issue of Réseaux, we called on colleagues who took part in a Conference organised by DRAINE in Paris on May 22 2023. DRAINE(Hate and Social Disruption: discourses and Performativity) is an international – and very active – multidisciplinary research group, gathering around 30 researchers, in operation since Dec. 2016. Co-founded by Samuel with Claudine Moïse and Nolwenn Lorenzi, the current co-coordinators are Julien, Samuel and his colleagues Claudine Moïse, Claire Hugonnier and Geneviève Bernard Barbeau. DRAINE works on hate speech and radical discourse, and the respective genres associated with them.