ARENAS project presented at a meeting of Ulysseus European University

The University of Genoa is part of Ulysseus, one of the 41 transnational alliances promoted by the European Commission, together with the University of Seville (Spain), Université Cote d’Azur (France), Technical University of Košice (Slovakia), MCI The Entrepreneurial School (Austria), Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland). The Ulysseus European University alliance aims to develop an excellency-recognised European University built upon the European values of social cohesion and respect for human rights.

Nora Gattiglia and Nathalie Paris, of the ARENAS consortium partner UniGE, recently delivered a presentation on their work for the ARENAS project to a seminar on the State of Play on Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement in Ulysseus.

Their presentation opened with an introduction to ARENAS, its context and objectives. Then they specifically addressed the work they carried out as part of Work Package 5 – Mediations and remediations for extremist narratives and the particular focus on gender within that WP.  The first task was to identify and analyse social actors’ existing strategies and the work on this was led by CNRS.  The team at UniGE are now leading task 2, a comparison of National and European laws and extremist narratives.

They then outlined the objectives of their research which are:

  • Understand the various legal processes upstream.
  • List the laws at the European level and in national Law to determine how these laws are themselves likely to create places of discrimination.
  • Identify similarities and differences across different legal systems.
  • Reconstruct the judicial remedies through interpretive analysis.


The ARENAS partners are also carrying out an analysis of discriminatory speech legislation in Spain, Latvia and Italy as well as analysing case law in these three selected countries. Further work will involve reporting on strategies used by institutional and civil society actors as well as educational intervention on extremist narratives.

By the end of the ARENAS project, the UniGE team and their fellow WP5 colleagues will have produced recommendations for policymaker, jurists and journalists.

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