The ARENAS Project Management handbook has recently been completed and delivered to the European Commission. It was prepared by Principal Investigator Julien Longhi, full professor of discourse analysis at CY Cergy Paris Université, leader of WP1, and Aude Garses, Consultant at Euronovia (who had been commissioned for the launch of the project). This internal document is one of the first deliverables of the ARENAS project.
The main purpose of the handbook is to support and guide ARENAS Work Package Leaders, Task Leaders and all contributors to manage and implement the project. It is also a guideline for new researchers who join the project in the course of its lifetime.
The objective of the ARENAS Project Management book is to provide an overview of the most relevant managerial aspects of the project, setting the rules and responsibilities of the partners. The document is a tool to ensure smooth management and a high-quality assurance of the work progress. It summarises all the required knowledge for the project management and contains information related to the management strategy, the consortium structure, reporting issues, templates to be used, publication procedures, etc.
Another purpose of the handbook is to clarify the legal and financial aspects of the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement that may need further clarification for beneficiaries.
This guide will be regularly updated throughout the lifetime of the project according to any updates or changes that may occur.
This document will be the keystone of the project’s management and coordination: it lays down the rules of the organisation, frames the relationships between the partners, and summarises the deadlines, deliverables and stages of the entire project. In short, it’s the ARENAS project “bible”!